MINUTES OF MEETING OLD HICKORY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Old Hickory Community Development District was held Monday, August 7, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the Oasis Club at ChampionsGate 1520 Oasis Club Blvd. ChampionsGate, FL. Present and constituting a quorum were: Lane Register Chairman Adam Morgan Vice Chairman Rob Bonin Assistant Secretary Jarred Cornell Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel David Reid District Engineer Alan Scheerer Field Manager FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. There were four members present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint noted that they did not have any members of the public in attendance, so the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Acceptance of Resignation of Juan Vasquez and Appointment of Individual to Fulfill the Board Vacancy with a Term Ending November 2024 Mr. Flint stated there was a resignation letter from Mr. Vasquez. He asked for a motion to accept. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Resignation Letter from Juan Vasquez was accepted. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 7, 2023 Old Hickory CDD 2 B. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Supervisor Mr. Flint noted that anytime during the term there is a Board vacancy, the Board may appoint a replacement. He asked for replacements. Mr. Morgan nominated Kathryn Farr. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Nomination of Kathryn Farr, was approved. Mr. Flint noted that Ms. Farr was not in attendance, but the Oath would be delivered before she participates. C. Consideration of Resolution 2023-08 Electing Officers Mr. Flint noted this resolution would elect Ms. Farr as an Assistant Secretary. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-08 Electing Officers with Ms. Farr as an Assistant Secretary, was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the May 1, 2023 Meeting Mr. Flint presented the May 1, 2022 meeting minutes and asked for any comments or corrections from the Board. The Board had no changes to the minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Minutes of the May 1, 2023 Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing Mr. Flint asked for a motion to open the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was opened. Mr. Flint noted the hearing is open and there were no members of the public present to provide comments or testimony. A. Consideration of Resolution 2023-05 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations Mr. Flint stated this resolution is to approve the budget. He noted it was attached as Exhibit ‘A’. He stated that there is a proposed increase of $56 per year in assessment fees, which is a 6% DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 7, 2023 Old Hickory CDD 3 increase. He noted they had not received any calls regarding the increase and the mailed notice was provided, and the proper advertising had been complete. Mr. Morgan asked for clarification on the increase in assessment fees. Mr. Flint added there were no members of the public present to provide comment. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-05 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations, was approved. B. Consideration of Resolution 2023-06 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll Mr. Flint stated this resolution was the next public hearing event and this was for imposing assessments and certifying a roll. These are attached. No members of the public were present. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-06 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll, was approved. Mr. Flint asked for a motion to close the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Public Hearing was closed. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review and Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Report Mr. Flint stated this was this audit report from Grau & Associates. This report indicates there are no current or prior year finding or recommendations and they are in compliance with the provisions of the Auditor General. He added this is a clean audit. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, Accepting the Fiscal Year 2022 Audit Report, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Services Agreements for Lighting Service with Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) – Phases 3 & 4 Mr. Flint stated these agreements have been signed by the District and ask the Board to ratify. Mr. Morgan asked if this was not in place before now. Mr. Flint noted it was signed by Mr. Morgan and witnessed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 7, 2023 Old Hickory CDD 4 On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Services Agreements for Lighting Service with Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) – Phases 3 & 4, were ratified. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Addendum to Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Floralawn for Phase 4 Maintenance Mr. Scheerer presented the addendum. He noted in Phase 4 there was an open tract of land that needed additional landscape, to include installation of Bermuda, additional irrigation, and a pergola that should be installed this week. He added this addendum reflects the increase for Phase 4 to maintain this area and fertilization. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Addendum to Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Floralawn for Phase 4 Maintenance, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. to Provide Aquatic Maintenance Mr. Scheerer stated this is a renewal and includes all the ponds in Phases 1– 4 with no increase. He added the contract runs through October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Agreement with Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. to Provide Aquatic Maintenance, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-07 Designating Assistant Treasurer of the District Mr. Flint stated this resolution will designate Darrin Mossing as the Assistant Treasurer of the District. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-07 Designating Darrin Mossing as the Assistant Treasurer for the District, was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Trucco updated the Board on working with Mr. Register on Phase 4. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 7, 2023 Old Hickory CDD 5 i. Memorandum Regarding Ethics Training and Other Legislative Updates Ms. Trucco updated the Board on the new required four hours of ethics training for Supervisors. B. Engineer i. Presentation of Annual Report Mr. Reid presented the Annual Engineer’s Report that was completed in June. He noted there were no issues. ii. Approval of Assignment and Assumption of District Engineering Agreement with Madden, Moorhead, & Stokes, LLC Mr. Reid stated this agreement is for the District Engineer with Madden, Moorhead, & Stokes, LLC. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Assignment and Assumption of District Engineering Agreement with Madden, Moorhead, & Stokes, LLC, was approved. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Flint presented the check register from April 25th through July 31st for the General Fund and Board compensation for $105,110.83. He offered to answer any questions. There being no comments, he asked for a motion of approval. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Check Register for $105,110.83, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint presented the unaudited financials through the end of June. He asked for any questions on the financials. This item was for informational purposes only, no action was required. iii. Presentation of Number of Registered Voters – 605 Mr. Flint noted there were 605 registered voters residing in the District as of April 15th. This is a requirement to announce. He added the District was created in 2020 and the first two seats cannot transfer until 2026. Discussion ensued on how to appoint residents to the seats. The Landowners could elect a resident earlier if they find interested residents. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1 August 7, 2023 Old Hickory CDD 6 iv. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule Mr. Flint presented the Fiscal Year 2024 meeting schedule. He suggested they change the Board meeting to the 3rd Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the same location. Mr. Flint noted the notice will reflect the change to 10:00 a.m. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule, was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business A. Discussion of Pending Plat Conveyances B. Status of Permit Transfers There being no comments, the next item followed.. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A75CB6D-3864-4A42-A85C-2F32B3F684E1